
A backup copy of each of these files also resides in the CFG_MSG file in library
Before starting the event server and an AS/400 message adapter, check the
configuration file to determine if it defines the preferred adapter behavior.
Configuration File
The configuration file for the AS/400 message adapter defines the behavior of the
adapter, which runs as a job on the AS/400 system.
A configuration file is created during the installation of the AS/400 message
adapter. The name of this file is
can contain the keywords described in Configuration Fileon page 9, as well as
the following custom keywords:
AdapterType Specifies the type of resource to be monitored. The default value is
MSGQ, meaning that the adapter monitors a message queue.
Specifies the CDS file to be used for the AS/400 message adapter.
This file can reside in either the QSYS or IFS name space, but the
path must be specified in IFS notation, for example:
The default is the following:
BufEvtPath Specifies the path and name of the buffer file for the AS/400
message adapter. The default path is /etc/Tivoli/tec, and the default
buffer file name is the value specified for the adapter name on the
AS/400 command (STRTECADP), used to start the adapter.
Note: If an AS/400 message adapter attempts to open a buffer file
that is in use by another adapter, the adapter (which runs as
a batch job) attempting to open the file ends.
Specifies an AS/400 job description that is to be used when
starting the adapter. The default is QGPL/QDFTJOBD.
LanguageID Specifies the AS/400 language ID in which the AS/400 messages
are to be sent to the event server. The default value for this
keyword is ENU. If a value is specified for this keyword, the
AS/400 secondary language must be installed for that language ID.
MsgQueue Specifies the AS/400 message queue to poll. The complete name
needs to be specified. The message queue must exist when the
adapter is started. If the message queue is cleared while the
adapter is active, the adapter starts with new messages that are
written after the message queue was cleared. The value of this field
must be in the following format:
The default is QSYS/QSYSOPR.
40 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide