Specifies the frequency, in seconds, to poll each file listed in the
LogSources field for new messages. The default value is 120 seconds.
Specifies a file to log discarded events that cannot be parsed into an IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console event class by the adapter. The discarded events
can then be analyzed to determine if modifications are needed to the
adapter format file.
Format File
The format file is described in detail in “Format File” on page 17.
Class Definition Statement File
The CDS file defines how an adapter constructs events. This file is derived from
the format file using the logfile_gencds program. In general, you should never
have to edit this file to add new mappings. The CDS file is described in detail in
“Class Definition Statement File” on page 18 and in Appendix C, “Class Definition
Statement File Reference” on page 155.
Error File
The error file is described in detail in “Error File” on page 19.
Events Listing
The following table shows the class names and severities of all events defined for
the UNIX log file adapter. You can use the table to get a sense of how log file
events are mapped to IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events and to determine if
you want to make any changes. The events are defined in the BAROC file. See the
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Rule Builder’s Guide for more information about
customizing .baroc files.
Event Class Structure
Event classes are defined hierarchically, with child classes inheriting attribute value
defaults from the parent.
The adapter fills in the following attribute defaults. The attributes are used in
event group filters.
v source: LOGFILE
v origin: hostIPaddress
v hostname: hostname
The following events are defined for the UNIX log file adapter in the
tecad_logfile.baroc file.
Event Class Default Severity
Logfile_Base WARNING
Logfile_Automounter HARMLESS
104 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide