
v Example 2: Adapter tracing is turned on by specifying output files in the .err file
instead of /dev/null.
You can find the NNM version and the specified filter value in the messages
displayed when you start the adapter. The messages are similar to the following
Initializing T/EC interface ...
T/EC interface initialization complete
Initializing driver ...
Initializing SNMP driver ...
Running as a WellBehavedDaemon
Enter in TECAD_OVsInit...
HP NNM version running is: HP OpenView ov library \
NNM Release B.06.10 @(#) PATCH PSOV_XXXXX, YYMMDD Oct 17 1999
Stream filtering set to: {CORR{default}} .*
Testing Tools
In order to test the OpenView adapter, it is necessary to have OpenView installed
on the same system on which the adapter is running. Testing of the adapter
behavior can only be achieved by starting all daemon processes of OpenView and
by sending SNMP trap events to the ovtrapd process. Note that SNMP trap events
can be generated by sending SNMP traps to ovtrapd using the same testing tool as
for the SNMP adapter.
With OpenView, it is also possible to simulate events occurring by using
smnptrap(1), ovevent, or by using specific commands such as:
v OV_Set_status_Color (specific trap number 58916871)
v OV_Message (specific trap number 58916872)
v OV_Popup_Message (specific trap number 58916873)
v OV_Bell_Message (specific trap number 58916874)
v OV_Highlight_Source (specific trap number 58916875)
An example using snmptrap(1) for creating a message and ringing a bell from
node Bad_Node is presented as follows:
snmptrap ’hostname’ \ ""6 58916874"" \ Integer 14 \ OctetString "Bad_Node" \ OctetString "Bell Message"
Testing Event Correlation With NNM 6
Stream and circuit tracing can help you see which events will be forwarded to the
adapter. A stream with an output policy forwards any event unless you enable at
least one circuit on the stream to discard a type of event. A stream with a discard
policy only forwards an event if you enable a circuit on the stream that outputs
that type of event. An output file lists the forwarded events. For example, when a
stream has an output policy, you can determine what events that the stream sent to
the adapter by reading the events listed in the stream output file.
For complete details on streams and circuits, see the HP OpenView NNM
The following lists show some of the commands you can use with streams and
v To find details about the event correlation engine, use the following command:
ecsmgr -info
68 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide