The netID.nau name of the host where the adapter is running.
The alert code point that provides an index into predefined text
describing the alert condition.
$ALERT_ID The unique ID describing the alert.
$ARCH_TYPE Defines the alert type, either NONGENERIC_ALERT (alert
subvector x’91’)orGENERIC_ALERT (alert subvector x’92’).
$BLOCK_ID The legacy block ID for non-generic alerts (alert subvector x’91’).
$CAUSES Alert causes collected from alert subvectors x’93’, x’94’, x’95’, x’96’,
and x’97’.
$DATE The date and time the event was generated.
Product specific detail data from alert subvector x’98’.
Alert correlation data from alert subvector x’47’.
A value indicating the severity of the alert condition (for example,
The netID.nau name of the host where the alert originated.
Alert correlation data from alert subvector x’4A’.
$MSG The alert code point text and the first probable cause text for the
$ORIGIN The hierarchy list of the alert origin.
The hardware and software identifier from alert subvector x’10’.
The general message text from alert subvector x’31’.
$SEVERITY The severity of the event.
$SOURCE The source of the event. The source is defined by the adapter type
The last member in the hierarchy list of the alert origin.
Configuring the AS/400 Alert Filters
Default Alert Filter
The AS/400 alert adapter creates a default alert filter, QTMETECA02/QYAAFTR,
at installation time. This filter consists of a selection entry that maps all alerts to
the group QTECALERT. The corresponding action entry for QTECALERT is also
provided. When the AS/400 alert adapter is started, a data queue is created and
the QTECALERT action entry is updated with the data queue name so incoming
alert information can be monitored by the adapter.
26 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide