
PRINTF statement in the Root_Login_Success_From class, its value would have
been ttyp6. This is because the msg attribute is inherited as the third component
specification in the event, even though the third component in the originating
class (Logfile_Base) would have yielded the value sawmill login: ROOT
LOGIN ttyp6 FROM oak.
Activating Changes Made with a Format File
If you have made changes to a format file, you must generate a new class
definition statement (CDS) file that contains those changes.
Generating a New Class Definition Statement File for a TME
To generate a new CDS file for a TME adapter, simply distribute a profile
containing the changed format file to the appropriate endpoints. The shipped
default profile contains the appropriate commands to automatically perform the
following actions:
1. Stop the adapter.
2. Generate a new CDS file from the distributed format file.
3. Restart the adapter.
These commands can be viewed for the profile being distributed by selecting
Actions in the Edit Adapter window of the ACF.
Generating a New Class Definition Statement File for a
Non-TME Adapter
To generate a new CDS file for a non-TME adapter, you must perform the
following tasks:
1. Stop the adapter.
NetWare log file
See TECADNW4.NLM on page 61.
OS/2 See Stopping the Adapteron page 81.
UNIX log file
See Stopping the Adapteron page 102.
Windows event log
See Stopping the Adapter on page 120.
Windows NT event log
See Stopping the Adapteron page 135.
2. Generate a new CDS file using the following commands. The logfile_gencds,
nw4gencds.nlm, os2gncds.exe, and nt_gencds.exe programs are located in the
bin subdirectory of the directory where you installed the adapter. The format
file is in the appropriate language subdirectory in the etc directory where you
installed the adapter (see Format File Location on page 145 for the
appropriate language subdirectory). Specify the appropriate path to create the
new CDS file in the etc directory.
os2gncds /language/tecados2.fmt tecados2.cds
UNIX log file
logfile_gencds /language/tecad_logfile.fmt > tecad_logfile.cds
Appendix B. Format File Reference 153