
d Starts the adapter in debug mode. This argument prevents the daemon
from forking itself.
c configuration_file
Specifies the location of the configuration file.
If c is not specified, then the adapter searches
$TECADHOME/etc/tecad_snmp.conf if the environment variable
TECADHOME is set, or /etc/Tivoli/tecad/etc/tecad_snmp.conf for the
configuration file.
2. Make sure that there are no other processes such as SNMP or ovtrapd already
listening on port 162. Use netstat a | grep 162 to see if this port is in use. The
first process to start up gets the port and the other processes that follow never
receive events from that port.
3. Use snmptrap or the Tivoli Distributed Monitoring wsnmptrap commands to
send events to the adapter for testing.
4. Change all /dev/null entries in the .err file to the file name you want. Stop and
restart the adapter, send an event through, and then look in the trace file to see
what processing was done on the event.
94 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide