Attribute Name Contents
status The status of an event. It is initially set to OPEN or to a default
value specified by the event class. Possible values during an event
lifetime are as follows:
ACK An administrator or rule has acknowledged the event.
An administrator or rule has fixed the problem that was
reported by the event. An event adapter can also send an
event with a status of CLOSED to indicate that a
previously received event of the specified class should
have its status changed to CLOSED; the previously
received event to be closed is the most recent duplicate of
the same event. The event being sent with a CLOSED
status is dropped and not stored in the event database.
A status that has been added to the STATUS enumeration
for site-specific purposes. The STATUS enumeration is
defined in the root.baroc file. To add a new status, edit this
file, recompile the rule base, and restart the event server.
OPEN The event has been received by the event server, but no
administrator or rule has acknowledged it.
A rule has automatically responded to the event. This
status is assigned a rule language predicate. It is not
available from an event console.
The database stores the status as a number. This mapping is defined
in the root.baroc rule base file and is set for the event server default
status as follows: zero (0) for OPEN, 10 for RESPONSE, 20 for ACK,
30 for CLOSED.
sub_origin A further categorization of the origin. This attribute is optional.
sub_source A further categorization of the source. This attribute is optional.
The adapter uses the following attributes to uniquely identify an event:
v date_reception
v event_handle
v server_handle
Adapter Files
An adapter uses various files for its operations. The following table provides a
brief description of the types of files that can be used. Subsequent sections discuss
some of the more common files you might need to view or modify for
configuration or troubleshooting purposes. See Appendix A, “Files Shipped with
Adapters” on page 141 for detailed information about which files are shipped with
particular adapters.
File Type Description
Basic recorder of objects in C
Defines event classes to the event server; must be
part of the rule base.
Cache Stores buffered events.
Class definition statement (CDS) Defines event class definitions to the adapter.
Chapter 1. Understanding Adapters 7