
configuration file keywords (continued)
Windows NT event log adapter
HostnameIsAdapterHost 128
LanguageID 128
LogSources 128
NumEventsToCatchUp 129
PollInterval 129, 133
PreFilter 129
PreFilterMode 130
SpaceReplacement 130
UnmatchLog 130
configuration files
AS/400 alert adapter 24
AS/400 message adapter 40, 53
OS/2 adapter 79
SNMP adapter 84
UNIX log file adapter 103
Windows event log adapter 112
Windows NT event log adapter 128
described 9
example 9
format 9
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console gateway 97
location 9
configuring adapters
AS/400 alert adapter 26
AS/400 message adapter 40
NetWare adapter 56
OpenView adapter 70
OS/2 adapter 79
SNMP adapter 84
UNIX log file adapter 103
Windows event log adapter 112
Windows NT event log adapter 128
ConnectionMode keyword 10
connection-oriented 1
interprocess communication mechanisms 1
mode 10
overview 1
retrying 12
correlation, state 97
Create Data Queue command 27
credibility attribute 5
CRTDTAQ command 27
CRTPF command 51
CRTSRCPF command 51
customer support, contacting ix
portmapper 13
syslogd 101
date attribute 5
date_reception attribute 5
date, events 5
See troubleshooting 19
directory names, notation x
duplicate events 5
duration attribute 5
effect events 5
encoding, UTF-8 3, 12, 14, 145
endpoint adapters 13
endpoint gateway
See gateway, Tivoli Management Framework 2
described 1
distributing adapters 95
getting events to the event server from 1
TME adapters for 1
ENDTECADP command, AS/400 alert adapter 30
ENDTECADP command, AS/400 message adapter 48
entry, tec_recv_agent_port 14
environment variables x, 8
error files
NetWare adapter 55
OpenView adapter 73
OS/2 adapter 79
SNMP adapter 85
UNIX log file adapter 104
Windows event log adapter 112
Windows NT event log adapter 128
described 19
location 9, 10
event correlation
example 69
OpenView NNM 6 66
testing with OpenView NNM 6 68
event server
getting events to, from a managed node 3
getting events to, from a non-TME node 3
getting events to, from an endpoint 1
primary and secondary 2, 12, 13
sending events to 1
event tracing 19
event traffic, controlling 95
event_handle attribute 5
attributes 4
buffer 10, 15
cache 95
cause 5
class 4
date 5
duplicates 5
effect 5
filter 14
getting to the event server from a managed node 3
getting to the event server from a non-TME node 3
internationalization support 3
list 104
sending to the event server 1
status 7
time 5
EventSendThreshold keyword 95, 98
expressions, for filtering 15
failures, systems 15
feedback about publications ix
FETCH statement 158
examples 41
FETCH statement examples 25
174 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide