v If Auto Clean is enabled and a cleaning cartridge is not present, or if a cleaning
cartridge is present, but not in a reserved slot, Auto Clean status will show Chk
Media/Rsvd Slot? and Status will show a green check mark and the words
Media Attention. The Auto Clean status disappears from the system status
screen once Auto Clean has been properly configured. The user will get
messages if the cleaning media expires.
v The Power Supply Status will only appear if redundant power is being utilized
with a 4U library, and the library was manufactured after March 14, 2008. If a
redundant power supply fails, the System Status screen will appear as shown in
Figure 2-5.
Note: If your library has -04 level redundant power supplies (see label on top of
power supply), it is normal for the one in “Standby” mode to turn its
“Green” LED off. You can test this power supply by pulling the power
connector from the other “Active” power supply. The power supply that
was in “Standby” mode will now become “Active”, and its “Green” LED
should light. If it doesn’t, replace it (refer to “Replacing a Power Supply”
on page 10-7).
If your library has -05 level redundant power supplies, the ″Green″ LED
will be ON on both power supplies. If both ″Green″ LEDs are not ON,
replace the failed power supply (refer to “Replacing a Power Supply” on
page 10-7).
Web User Interface Help Pages
Each screen on the Web User Interface has an associated Help page. To access a
Help page, click on Help in the upper right corner of the screen. A new web page
will open. Using the left navigation pane, select the desired Help page. To close the
Help page, click the red X in the upper right corner of the screen.
Logging out of the Web User Interface
It is important to log out of the Web User Interface before using the Operator
Control panel. To log out of the Web User Interface, click Logout in the upper right
corner of the current screen. If you click the X in the upper right corner of your
internet browser window, you will not log out of the Web User Interface.
Figure 2-5. 4U library System Status screen showing a power supply failure
Chapter 2. User Interfaces 2-7