Attention LED Drive Sled Issues:
Whenever there is a hardware configuration change such as drives being swapped
with different form factors (i.e. HH to FH or FH to HH), a library configuration
change is needed. Reconfiguring the library by reassigning the amount of logical
libraries will clear this issue. Navigate to the Web User Interface Configure
Library → Logical Libraries or to the Operator Control Panel’s Configure →
Library section and reassign the logical libraries.
v Install a drive sled (see “Isolating Drive Sled Problems” on page 7-10).
v Modify or resubmit Logical Library setting (Operator Control Panel: Configure
→ Logical Libraries or Web User Interface: Configure Library → Logical
v Restore factory defaults (Operator Control Panel: Configure → Restore Defaults
or Web User Interface: Configure Library → Restore Defaults).
Avoid contamination by ensuring that the library is installed in a clean,
contamination-free environment. Continue cleaning the tape drive as needed.
Refer to “Choosing a Location” on page 4-1.
A cartridge should be acclimated for at least 24 hours before being used,
particularly if it has been stored at a substantially different temperature or level of
humidity than the library. Refer to “Provide Proper Acclimation and
Environmental Conditions” on page 6-7.
Any cartridge that is suspected of being defective or contaminated should NOT be
reused, in any drive.
Power Supply or Fan Issues:
Check the power supply (or redundant power supply) for failure, and also check
any power supply fans. Replace any defective units. Refer to “System Status” on
page 2-6 for a redundant power supply failure on a 4U library and“Isolating a
Power Supply Problem” on page 7-8
Another method of determining why the Attention LED is turned ON, log in to
the Web User Interface and select Service Library → View Logs → Warning Log.
Clean Drive LED
v Ensure that you are using an Ultrium universal cleaning cartridge (see
“Cleaning Cartridge” on page 6-3).
v Ensure that the cleaning cartridge has not expired. A drive will automatically
eject an expired cleaning cartridge. A cleaning cartridge is good for 50 cleans. If
your cleaning cartridge has expired, order a new cleaning cartridge.
v If the problem still exists, contact technical support.
Error LED Make a note of the error and sub error code, then refer to Chapter 8, “Error
Codes,” on page 8-1. To check the library error log, log on to the Web User
Interface and click Service Library, then View Logs.
Update library firmware Refer to “Service Library: Upgrade Firmware” on page 5-54.
Update drive firmware Refer to “Service: Service (Drives)” on page 5-27 or “Service Library: Upgrade
Firmware” on page 5-54.
Cartridge Movement Problems
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting 7-5