Table 8-1. Error Codes (continued)
Error Code Description User Action
B3 Accessor controller urgent stop due to a
released magazine
1. Verify that the left and right magazines are completely
inserted, then retry operation.
2. If the problem still exists, contact technical support.
B4 Cartridge did not transport completely
Gripper could not pick cartridge and CP
sensor not present
After pushing the cartridge, CP sensor
still not present
Contact technical support.
B5 Accessor controller does not respond on
C0 Network initialization failed
1. Check network cable and network configuration, then
retry operation.
2. If the error recurs, contact technical support.
C1 Telnet Interface initialization failed
C2 Webserver initialization failed
C6 Ping command did not reach target
C7 Cannot Upgrade from USB
Contact technical support.
D0 ROM error. ROM checksum incorrect
D1 RAM error. Power on Self Test ( POST )
has failed,
D2 NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random Access
Memory) error. R/W operation to
NVRAM has failed
D3 CTC (Channel to Channel ) Error. Timer
unit has failed during POST.
D4 UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver
Transmitter ) Error. Frame overrun or
Parity Error on serial Interface.
D5 Display Error
Communication to display failed
D6 Memory Error, Stack and heap overflow.
D7 Fatal system error
D8 Data base error
D9 No SCSI IC detected
DA While running the Library Verify Test,
the bar code reader read different bar
code data for the same
customer-supplied scratch cartridge
1. Check the barcode label on the customer-supplied
scratch cartridge, then run the Library Verify Test again.
2. If the error recurs, contact technical support.
DB External cooling fan error (fan motion
has stopped).
The subcode indicates which drive sled
fan is affected
Subcode 01: drive sled #1(bottom)
Subcode 02: drive sled #2
1. Verify that the indicated fan is operational and not
2. If fan is not working, replace the drive sled that is
failing.If the error recurs, contact technical support.
8-6 Dell PowerVault TL2000 Tape Library and TL4000 Tape Library User's Guide