
wound solenoid that is excited with a linear current
density in its winding of one abampere per 4π
centimeters of axial length.
offline. Pertaining to the operation of a functional unit
without the continual control of a computer. Contrast
with online.
online. Pertaining to the operation of a functional unit
that is under the continual control of a computer.
Contrast with offline.
OPER. Operation.
ov. Over voltage.
overrun. Loss of data because a receiving device is
unable to accept data at the rate it is transmitted.
overtightening. To tighten too much.
parameter. A variable that is given a constant value
for a specified application and that may denote the
p bit. Parity bit.
PC. Parity check.
PCC. Power control compartment.
PDF. Portable Document Format.
PE. Parity error. Product engineer.
pick. Pertaining to the library, to remove, by means of
a robotic device, a tape cartridge from a storage slot or
picker. See Accessor.
PM. Preventive maintenance.
POR. Power-on reset.
port. A physical connection for communication
between the drive/library and the host processor.
Portable Document Format (PDF). A standard
specified by Adobe Systems, Incorporated, for the
electronic distribution of documents. PDF files are
compact, can be distributed globally (via e-mail, the
Web, intranets, or CD-ROM), and can be viewed with
the Acrobat Reader, which is software from Adobe
Systems that can be downloaded at no cost from the
Adobe Systems home page.
PROM. Programmable read only memory.
PS. Power supply.
PWR. Power.
rack. A unit that houses the components of a storage
subsystem, such as the library.
rackmount kit. A packaged collection of articles used
to install the rack mounted version of the library.
RAM. Random access memory.
Random access memory. A storage device into which
data is entered and from which data is retrieved in a
nonsequential manner.
RAS. Reliability, availability, and serviceability.
record. A collection of related data or words, treated
as a unit.
recording density. The number of bits in a single
linear track measured per unit of length of the
recording medium.
recoverable error. An error condition that allows
continued execution of a program.
ref. Reference.
reg. Register.
re-inventory. To inventory again.
retention. The process or function of tightening the
tape onto the cartridge, if it is sensed that the tape has
a loose wrap on the cartridge.
RFC (Request for Comments). Request for Comments
(RFC) documents are a series of memoranda
encompassing new research, innovations, and
methodologies applicable to Internet technologies.
RH. Relative humidity.
robot. Accessor.
robotics. Accessor assembly.
Router Assigned IPv6 Address. IPv6 addresses
created by the network router and assigned to the
library (similar to DHCP).
RPQ. Request for price quotation.
R/W. Read/write.
s. Seconds of time.
scratch cartridge. A data cartridge that contains no
useful data, but can be written to with new data.
SCSI. Small computer system interface.
Glossary H-7