13d Library Pick
W There is a potential problem with the cartridge loader picking a cartridge
from a drive or slot.
v No action needs to be taken at this time.
v If the problem persists,
flag is cleared when the next move command is received.
14d Library Place
W There is a potential problem with the cartridge loader placing a cartridge
into a slot.
v No action needs to be taken at this time.
v If the problem persists,
flag is cleared when the next move command is received.
15d Drive Load
W There is a potential problem with the cartridge loader or drive when
placing a cartridge into a drive.
v No action needs to be taken at this time.
v If the problem persists,
flag is cleared when the next move command is received.
17d Library I/O
C There is a mechanical problem with the library media I/O Station.
18d Media
C It is set when a magazine is removed from the changer.
19d Library
W Library security has been compromised. The door was opened then
closed during operation.
21d Media
I It is set when the changer is set offline.
24d Library
C The library has detected an inconsistency in its inventory.
v Redo the library inventory to correct inconsistency.
v Restart the operation.
the applications users manual or the hardware users manual for
specific instructions on redoing the library inventory.
25d Media
W It is set when it receives unsupported SCSI opcodes.
27d Cooling FAN
W One or more fans inside the library have failed. This flag is cleared when
all fans are working again.
32d Unreadable
Bar Code
I The library was unable to read the barcode on a cartridge.
v D = Decimal
v I = Informational suggestion to user
v W = Warning. Remedial action is advised. Performance of data may be at risk.
v C = Critical immediate remedial action is required.
B-2 Dell PowerVault TL2000 Tape Library and TL4000 Tape Library User's Guide