Term Definitions:
v BOP (Beginning of Partition): BOP (Beginning of Partition) is a SCSI term,
which in a single partition format is the same as beginning of tape. It means that
policy is determined on writes at LB zero. Appending to a tape [or overwriting
at a non-zero LB] does not change the policy already in use for that tape.
v Key Path: This is the avenue where key resolution is performed. This is
generally left to be determined by method (and is the same), but can be set
differently for some hybrid modes.
v Density Reporting: This affects host reporting of density and is included to
support legacy needs for transparency. The default of not masking encrypted
densities means that the host can see a different density code for encrypted vs
non-encrypted tapes (x72 [enc] as opposed to x52 [non-enc]). This feature masks
this so the drive reports the primary density only.
– Expected Value: Normally this is set to the drive default (which is to show
encr density).
– Value of Reporting this Feature: If a legacy setup will not work with a new
density code being reported [for whatever software reason] this will allow
transparent encryption to still be used.
Figure 5-28. The 4U library Monitor Library: Drive Status page
5-36 Dell PowerVault TL2000 Tape Library and TL4000 Tape Library User's Guide