Table 8-1. Error Codes (continued)
Error Code Description User Action
C Bus Failure Contact technical support.
DD Power Supply x fan has failed,
Redundancy may be at risk
The subcode indicates which power
supply fan is affected
Subcode 01: 1st PS fan from bottom
Subcode 02: 2nd PS fan from bottom
Check if the indicated fan is operational and not obstructed.
Check ambient temperature conditions.
Power cycle the unit
If the error persists, contact technical support and replace
power supply x.
DF Power Good signal changed from 2 to 1
Power Supplies
Check the Power Supply whose green LED is not lighting
If the error persists, contact technical support and replace
power supply x.
F0 Drive Over temperature Condition
The subcode indicates which drive is
Subcode 02: drive #2
1. Check the ambient temperature conditions, and check all
2. If the error recurs, contact technical support.
F1 Drive Communication Error
Library controller has lost
communication to drive
The subcode indicates which drive is
Subcode 02: drive #2
Contact technical support.
F2 Drive Sled not present
The subcode indicates which drive sled
is affected.
Subcode 02: drive sled #2
1. Verify that the drive sled is properly installed in the
library and that all associated cables are properly
connected, then retry the operation.
2. If the error recurs, contact technical support.
Chapter 8. Error Codes 8-7