Table C-1. Library Sense Keys, ASC and ASCQ (continued)
Sense Key ASC ASCQ Description
Hardware Error (04) 81h 80h Cannot initialize bar code reader
81h 81h No response from bar code reader
81h 82h No response from EEPROM
81h 83h Slave robotic generic problem
81h 84h Setting of gripper pic value failed
81h 85h Setting of slider pic value failed
81h 86h Setting of elevator pic value failed
81h 87h Setting of rotation pic value failed
81h 88h Setting of sled pic value failed
81h 89h Gripper blocked
81h 8Ah Slider blocked
81h 8Bh Elevator blocked
81h 8Ch Rotation blocked
81h 8Dh Sled blocked
81h 8Eh Cannot find gripper block
81h 8Fh Cannot find slider block
81h 90h Cannot find elevator block
81h 91h Cannot find rotation block
81h 92h Cannot find sled block
81h 93h Gripper outside range
81h 94h Slider outside range
81h 95h Elevator outside range
81h 96h Rotation outside range
81h 97h Sled outside range
81h 98h No cartridge present sensor found
81h 99h No slider home sensor found
81h 9Ah No rotation home sensor found
81h 9Bh No sled position sensor found
81h 9Ch The range of gripper is wrong
81h 9Dh The range of slider is wrong
81h 9Eh The range of elevator is wrong
81h 9Fh The range of rotation is wrong
81h A0h The range of sled is wrong
81h A1h Open import/export element failed
81h A2h Locking failed
81h A3h SE2 Block
81h A4h SE2 No Block
81h A5h No Sled2 Home Sensor
81h A6h No Elev Home Sensor
Appendix C. Sense Data C-3