Configuring the PowerConnect 3324/3348 Switch 51
Default Gateway
To manage a PowerConnect 3324/3348 device from a remote network, a default gateway,
which is the gateway that a device uses if a specific gateway is not specified, must be
configured. The configured gateway IP address must belong to the same subnet as one of
the device IP interfaces.
To configure a default gateway, enter the command at the system prompt as shown in this
configuration example:
console> enable
console# configure
console(config)# ip default-gateway
console(config)# exit
User Name, Password, and Privilege Level
IMPORTANT: To manage a device from a remote terminal or Web Management
Interface, a user name, a password, and the highest privilege level (15) must be entered.
(The highest level provides access to the CLI configure context.) For details about the
privilege level, see the CLI Reference Guide.
The configured user name is entered as a login name for remote management sessions. To
configure user name and privilege level, enter the command at the system prompt as shown
in the configuration example:
console> enable
console# configure
console(config)# username admin password admin level 15
console(config)# exit
SNMP Community Strings
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) provides a method for managing network
devices. Devices supporting SNMP run a local software (agent). The SNMP agents
maintain a list of variables, used to manage the device. The variables are defined in the
Management Information Base (MIB). The MIB presents the variables controlled by the
agent. The SNMP agent defines the MIB specification format, as well as the format used to
access the information over the network. Access rights to the SNMP agents are controlled
by access strings and SNMP community strings.