246 Configuring Switch Information
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– Learning—The port is currently in the learning mode. The port cannot forward
traffic however it can learn new MAC addresses.
– Forwarding—The port is currently in the forwarding mode. The port can forward
traffic and learn new MAC addresses.
• Speed—Indicates the port speed. The possible field values are:
– 1000M
• Path Cost—Indicates the amount this port contributes to the Root Path Cost. The
Path Cost can be adjusted to a higher or lower value, and can forward traffic to or away
from a path being rerouted. The path cost has a value of 1 to 65,535.
• Default Path Cost—Specifies the default path cost.
• Priority—Indicates the priority value of the port. The Priority value can be used to
influence the port choice when a bridge has two ports connected in a loop on the same
LAN. The priority value is between 0 -255.
• Designated Bridge ID—Indicates the priority and the MAC Address of the designated
• Designated Port—Indicates the priority and the MAC Address of the selected port on
the designated bridge.
• Designated Cost—Indicates the cost of the designated port participating in the STP
• Forward Transitions—Indicates the number of times the port has changed from the
blocking state to forwarding.
• LAG—Specifies the LAG to which the port is attached.
Enabling STP on a port:
1 Open the STP Port Settings page.
2 Select Enabled in the STP field.
3 Define the Priority, Path Cost, Default Path Cost, and the Fast Link fields.
4 Click Apply Changes. STP is enabled on the port.