288 Configuring Switch Information
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• Ports Table—Lists the port that can be added to a multicast service.
• LAGs Table—Lists the LAGs that can be added to a multicast service.
The Bridge Multicast Forward All page contains the settings for managing switch and port
Bridge Multicast Forward All Router/Port Control Settings
Attaching a port to multicast router or switch:
1 Open Bridge Multicast Forward All page.
2 Define the VLAN ID field.
3 Select a port in the Multicast Router Port Table, and assign the port a value.
4 Click Apply Changes. The port attached to the multicast router or group is updated.
Attaching a LAG to multicast router or switch:
1 Open Bridge Multicast Forward All page.
2 Define the VLAN ID field.
3 Select a LAG in the Multicast Router Port Table and assign a value to the LAG.
4 Click Apply Changes. The LAG attached to the multicast router or group is updated.
Managing LAGs and Ports Attached to Multicast Routers Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for managing LAGs and
ports attached to multicast routers as displayed in the Bridge Multicast Forward All page.
Port Control Definition
D Attaches the port to the multicast router or
switch as a dynamic port.
S Attaches the port to the multicast router or
switch as a static port.
F Indicates that the port if forbidden from
joining a multicast group.
Blank Indicates that the port is not attached to a
multicast router or switch.