Configuring Switch Information 245
STP Port Settings Page
The STP Port Settings page contains the following fields:
• Select a Port—Indicates the port for which STP statistics are displayed.
• STP—Enables STP on the port. The possible field values are:
– Enable—Enables STP on the port.
– Disable—Disables STP on the port.
• Fast Link—Enables Fast Link mode for the port. If Fast Link mode is enabled for a
port, the port is automatically placed in the Forwarding State when the port link is up.
Fast Link mode optimizes the time it takes for the STP protocol to converge (STP
convergence can take 30-60 seconds in large networks).
• Port State—Indicates the current STP state of a port. If enabled, the Port State
determines what forwarding action is taken on traffic. The possible field values are:
– Disabled—Indicates the port link is currently down.
– Blocking—The port is currently blocked and cannot be used to forward traffic or
learn MAC addresses.
– Listening—The port is currently in the listening mode. The port cannot forward
traffic nor can it learn MAC addresses.