228 Configuring Switch Information
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Deleting a copy port from a port mirroring session:
1 Open the Port Mirroring page.
2 Check the Remove check box.
3 Click Apply Changes. The port mirroring session is deleted, and the device is updated.
Configuring a Port Mirroring Session Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for configuring a Port
Mirroring session as displayed in the Port Mirroring page.
The following is an example of the CLI commands:
Console(config)# interface ethernet 1/e1
Console(config-if)# port monitor 1/e8
Console# show ports monitor
Source portDestination PortTypeStatus
1/e11/e8 RX, TXActive
1/e21/e8 RXActive
CLI Command Description
port monitor src-interface [rx
| tx]
Displays the port copy status.
show ports monitor Starts a port monitoring session.