340 Configuring Quality of Service
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The QoS Global Parameters page contains links for:
• Configuring Global QoS Settings
• Defining QoS Interface Settings
• Defining Queue Settings
Configuring Global QoS Settings
The QoS Global Settings page allows the user to enable or disable QoS. In addition, the
user can select the Trust mode. This mode relies on predefined fields within the packet to
determine the output queue, thus determining the service for the packet. To open the QoS
Global Settings page:
• Select Quality of Service > Global Parameters > Global Settings in the Tree View.
The QoS Global Settings page opens.
QoS Global Settings Page
The QoS Global Settings page contains the following fields:
• Quality of Service—Enables managing network traffic using QoS. The field value
options are:
– Enable—Enable QoS on the device.
– Disable—Disable QoS on the device.