196 Configuring Switch Information
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Defining IP-Based ACLs
The Add ACE to IP Based ACL page allows network administrators to define IP-based
Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Access Control Entries (ACEs). ACEs act as filters to
match packets to forwarding criteria. To open the Add ACE to IP Based ACL page:
• Select Switch > Network Security > IP based ACL. The Add ACE to IP Based ACL
page opens.
Add ACE to IP Based ACL Page
The Add ACE to IP Based ACL page contains the following fields:
• ACL Name—Contains a list of user-defined ACLs.
• New ACE Priority—Defines the ACE priority. ACEs are checked on the first fit basis.
The ACE priority defines the ACE order in the ACL list.
• Protocol—Enables creating an ACE based on a specific protocol.
• Source Port—Indicates the source port that is matched packets. Enabled only when
TCP or UDP are selected in the Protocol list.
• Destination Port—Indicates the destination port that is matched packets. Enabled
only when TCP or UDP are selected in the Protocol list.