Viewing Statistics 303
• Single Collision Frames—Displays the amount of Single Collisions Frames errors
received on the selected interface.
• Multiple Collision Frames—Displays the amount of Multiple Collisions Frames
errors received on the selected interface.
• Deferred Transmissions—Displays the amount of deferred transmissions on the
selected interface.
• Late Collision—Displays the amount of late collisions received on the selected
• Excessive Collisions—Displays the amount of excessive collisions received on the
selected interface.
• Internal MAC Transmit Errors—Displays the amount of Internal MAC Transmit
errors on the selected interface.
• Carrier Sense Errors—Displays the amount of Carrier Sense errors on the selected
• Oversize Packets—Displays the amount of frame errors that are too long on the
selected interface.
• Internal MAC Receive Errors—Displays the amount of Internal MAC Received errors
on the selected interface.
• Symbol Errors—Displays the amount of Symbol errors on the selected interface.
• Receive Pause Frames—Displays the amount of Received Pause frames on the
selected interface (IEEE 802.3X).
• Transmitted Paused Frames—Displays the amount of Transmitted Pause frames on
the selected interface (IEEE 802.3X).
Displaying Etherlike statistics for a port:
1 Open the Etherlike Statistics page.
2 Select Port in the Interface field.
3 Click Query. The port Etherlike statistics are displayed.
Displaying Etherlike statistics for a LAG:
1 Open the Etherlike Statistics page.
2 Select LAG in the Interface field.
3 Click Query. The LAG Etherlike statistics are displayed.