Configuring System Information 139
The following is an example of the CLI commands:
console(config)# arp 00-00-55-66-77-00 ethernet 1/e1
Console (config)# exit
Console# arp timeout 12000
Console# show arp
InterfaceIP addressHW addressStatus
Managing Device Security
The Management Security page provides access to security pages that allow network
administrators to set security parameters for ports, device management methods, user, and
server security. To open the Management Security page:
•Click System >Management Security in the Tree View. The Management Security
page opens.
CLI Command Description
arp ip_addr hw_addr
{ethernet interface-
number | vlan vlan-id
| port-channel number}
Adds a permanent entry in the ARP cache.
arp timeout seconds Configures how long an entry remains in the
ARP cache.
show arp Displays entries in the ARP Table.
no arp Removes an ARP entry from the ARP Table.