260 Configuring Switch Information
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The VLAN Port Membership Table displays the ports and the ports states, as well as LAGs.
VLAN Port Membership Table
Assigning ports to a VLAN group:
1 Open the VLAN Membership page.
2 Select a VLAN from the Show VLAN drop-down list.
3 Select ports in the Port Membership Table, and assign the port a value (v, t, f, or b).
4 Click Apply Changes. The ports are assigned to the VLAN group, and the device is
Deleting VLANs:
1 Open the VLAN Membership page.
2 Select a VLAN from the Show VLAN drop-down list.
3 Check the Remove check box.
4 Click Apply Changes. The VLAN group is deleted, and the device is updated.
Assigning Ports to VLAN Groups Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for assigning ports to VLAN
groups as displayed in the VLAN Membership page.
CLI Command Description
vlan database
Enters the interface configuration
(VLAN) mode.
vlan {vlan-range}
Creates or deletes a VLAN.