Configuring System Information 185
• Restore Configuration Factory Defaults—Restores the Factory Configuration default
files by erasing the Startup-Config File. Note that the Backup-Config File is not
erased. The possible field values are:
– Checked—Restores the factory defaults.
– Unchecked—Maintains the current configuration settings.
Copying Files:
1 Open the Copy Files page.
2 Select either the Copy Configuration or Copy Master Firmware field.
3 Define the Source and Destination fields for the file.
4 Click Apply Changes. The file is copied, and the device is updated.
Restoring Company Factory Default Settings:
1 Open the Copy Files page.
2 Select the Restore Company Factory Defaults fields.
3 Click Apply Changes. The company factory default settings are restored, and the
device is updated.
Copying and Deleting Files Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for viewing fields displayed
in the Copy Files page.
The following is an example of the CLI commands:
Console# delete startup-config
This command will reset the whole system and disconnect your Telnet
session. Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]?
Console # copy tftp:// image
CLI Command Description
delete startup-config Deletes the startup-config file.
copy source-url
Copies any file from a source to a