128 Configuring System Information
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The Default Gateway page contains the following fields:
• Default Gateway—Indicates the Gateway device IP address.
• Active—Indicates if the default Gateway device specified in the Default Gateway
drop-down list is currently active. The possible field values are:
– Checked—Indicates the Gateway device is currently active.
– Unchecked—Indicates the Gateway device is not currently active.
• Remove—Removes Gateway devices from the Default Gateway drop-down list.
– Checked—Removes the selected Gateway devices from the Default Gateway
drop-down list.
– Unchecked—Maintains Gateway devices in the Default Gateway drop-down list.
Selecting a Gateway device:
1 Open the Default Gateway page.
2 Select an IP address in the Default Gateway drop-down list.
3 Check the Active check box.
4 Click Apply Changes. The Gateway device is selected, and its status displays in the
Active field.
Adding a Gateway device:
1 Open the Default Gateway page.
2 Click Add. The Add New Default Gateway page opens.
Add New Default Gateway