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11-6. Check Code 1C (Miswiring in indoor/outdoor units) and 1E
<Check procedure>
1C1C 1E
Gas amount check and valve clogging check
Check them when operation is performed is only one of A or B room.
Valve drive check
Replace cables in A/B rooms
of outdoor terminal block
Is there miswiring of
connectiong cable in A/B rooms
of indoor/outdoor rooms?
Check the operating pressure from service port, and add gas if pressure is low.
Is connecter of coil connected to inverter?
Are connections of A/B rooms correct?
Is coil of the pulse motor valve
(P.M.V.) correctly set?
Existence of condensation at outlet of P.M.V.
If there is condensation at outlet (1/4 inch=Ø6.35mm valve side),
the valve is clogged.
Set it correctly.
Check Item
Item by symptom
Considerable main cause
Set it correctly.
Set it correctly.
Replace coil valve.
Replace valve.
Add gas.
Remove TC sensor connector from the P.C. board in indoor unit.(Remove connector from the P.C. board.)
Operate the air conditioner in COOL mode by TEMP button (“Pi” sound is heard if keeping pushed for 10 seconds.).
The operation enters temporary operation mode which fixes opening degree of P.M.V. and No. of revolution of
compressor. Check condensation at outlet of P.M.V., and then check operating pressure from the service port.
Are temp. sensors of indoor/outdoor units correctly set to the holder?
The temperature sensors which are used to control pulse motor valve
include indoor heat exchanger sensor (TC), A room gas side temp. sensor
(TGa), B room gas side temp. sensor (TGb), and outdoor suction temp.
sensor (TS).
Discharge temp.
error, gas leakage
(Check code 03,1E)
Miswiring in indoor/outdoor
units, gas leakage,
disconnection of TS/TC
sensors (Check code 02, 1C)
Disconnection of TGa
sensor. TGb sensor,
P.M.V sensor error
(Check dode 02,1C)
Is positioning sound of valve (sound hitting to stopper) heard from valve
when the air conditioner starts the operation after turning off power
of the air conditioner once?