Flow temperature (b, °C)
Return flow temperature (b, °C)
Meter identification number (L without enter key, H with enter key)
Meter bus address (sent by WMZ) (A, –)
Blinking values in combination with black squares in the top row of the display (fault status of
the associated meter –> TV-SK 6311) indicate different faults.
With reading mode “24h“, the displayed values are not updated by opening the “buS1” to
“buS3” levels again; the values read during the last cycle remain unchanged.
With reading mode “con“, the values in the levels are not continuously updated. Reopen the
specific level to get current values.
WE Configuration
Meter bus 1, 2, 3 OFF
Co9 -> Fb21 = ON, Fb22 = ON, Fb23 = ON
Meter bus address for WMZ 1, 2, 3 / 0 to 255
Model code WMZ 1, 2, 3 / P15, PS2, 1434, CAL3, APAtO, SLS
Reading mode WMZ 1, 2, 3 / 24h, con, CoiL
Limitation of WMZ OFF Co5 -> Fb08 = ON
---: No limitation
U: Flow rate limitation
P: Capacity limitation
U-P: Flow rate and capacity limitation
by selecting “U“, “P“ or “U-P“ in addition:
CONST: Limitation parameter constant
4-Pt: Limitation acc. to 4-point characteristic,
outdoor temperature dependent
9.4.2 Flow rate/capacity limitation using meter bus
Flow rate and/or capacity limitation with the aid of the connected meter bus can be imple
mented by selecting the type of limitation 2, 3 or 4. The update rate of the measured variable,
flow rate and/or capacity, must be smaller than 5 seconds in meter bus operation to carry out a
proper limitation. Refer to the technical documentation TV-SK 6311 for details on which listed
heat meters fulfill this criterion and can be used for limitation purposes. In case of battery-oper
ated heat meters in particular, please note that some makes react with communication intervals
if they are polled too frequently. Other makes could use up their batteries too quickly. The tech
nical documentation TV-SK 6311 provides more details on these matters.
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