Co8: Error initialization
Fb Function WE Anl
Function block parameters / Range of values (default setting)
00 Dial-up also upon
corrected fault
OFF All CO8 -> Fb00 = ON: Dial-up to the building control station
both when a fault was detected and a fault was corrected
CO8 -> Fb00 = OFF: Dial-up to building control station only
when fault was detected
BE1 in FSr
BE 17 in FSr
OFF All Co8 -> Fb01 to Fb17 = ON:
Option: Rising signal edge/make contact
Negative signal edge/break contact
Note: Can only be changed after entering key number
22 Limit monitoring OFF All Configurable over Modbus
23 Alarm binary input
OFF All Co8 -> Fb23 = ON: Subsequent faults reported in error status
register (bit D11)
Fb Function block, WE Default setting
Co9: Modbus and meter bus communication
FB Function WE
Function block parameters / Range of values (default setting)
00 Modbus ON CO9 -> FB00 = ON: Modbus active
01 Modem OFF CO9 -> FB01 = ON: Modem active
02 Modem dialing
OFF CO9 -> FB02 = ON: Pulse dialing
CO9 -> FB02 = OFF: Tone dialing
03 Lock dial-up OFF CO9 -> FB03 = ON: No dial-up in case of fault
04 Modbus 16-bit
OFF CO9 -> Fb04 = ON: 16-bit addressing
CO9 -> Fb04 = OFF: 8-bit addressing
05 Reserved
06 Text message alarm OFF CO9 -> FB06 = ON: Fault alarm sent to mobile phone
07 Text message
dialing mode
OFF CO9 -> FB07 = ON: Pulse dialing
CO9 -> FB07 = OFF: Tone dialing
10 Fax alarm OFF CO9 -> FB10 = ON: Alarm sent to fax
11 Fax dialing mode OFF CO9 -> FB11 = ON: Pulse dialing
CO9 -> FB11 = OFF: Tone dialing
EB 5179 EN 105