WE Configuration
Modem OFF Co9 -> Fb01 = ON
Modem dialing procedure OFF Co9 -> Fb02
Lock dial-up OFF Co9 -> Fb03
Dial-up also upon corrected fault OFF Co8 -> Fb00
WE Parameter level / Range of values
Station address (ST.-NR) 255 PA9 / 1 to 247
(1 to 999 with Co9 -> Fb04 = ON)
Baud rate (BAUD) 9600 PA9 / 300 to 19200
Cyclic initialization (I) 30 min PA9 / 0 to 255 min
Modem dial interval between calls (P) 5 min PA9 / 1 to 255 min
Modem timeout (t) 5 min PA9 / 1 to 255 min
Number of redial attempts (C) 5 PA9 / 0 to 99
Phone number of building control station
– PA9 / Configurable as required**
Phone number of alternative recipient
– PA9 / Configurable as required**
** Digits 0 to 9, P = Pause, - = End, max. 22 characters
* –> Section 9.3 (“Description of communication parameters to be adjusted“)
9.2 RS-232/RS-485 system bus interface (for four-wire bus) in combina-
tion with cable converters
A constant bus connection is required (data cable) for operation of the district heating controller
in conjunction with cable converters. The bus line is routed to the individual control instruments
in an open ring. At the end of the bus line, the data cable is connected to the control station us
ing an RS-485/RS-232 converter (e.g. TROVIS 5484). The maximum range of the bus connec
tion (cable length) is 1,200 meters. A maximum of 32 devices can be connected to such a seg
ment. If you wish to use more than 32 devices in line or need to bridge greater distances, make
sure repeaters (e.g. TROVIS 5482) are installed to replicate the signal. With 8-bit addressing, a
maximum of 246 devices can be addressed and connected to a bus.
You are required to follow the relevant standards and regulations concerning lightning and
overvoltage protection on installation.
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