Co9: Modbus and meter bus communication
Parameters Range of values
Station number (ST.-NR) 1 to 247, 999
Baud rate (BAUD) 300 to 19200
Cyclic initialization (I) 1 to 255 min
Modem dial interval between calls (P) 0 to 255 min
Modem timeout (t) 0 to 255 min
Number of redial attempts (C) 1 to 99
Phone number of control station
max. 23 characters
0 to 9
P (pause)
– (end)
Phone number of alternative recipient
Access number
Mobile phone number
Fax number
Station ID
Function block parameters (Co9) WMZ1 WMZ2 WMZ3
Meter bus address (Fb21, 22, 23 = ON) 0 to 255
Model code (Fb21, 22, 23 = ON)
P15, PS2, 1434,
Reading mode (Fb21, 22, 23 = ON) 24h, con, CoiL
EB 5179 EN 137
Key number 1732