Pelco TXB-AD Home Security System User Manual

18 C1492M-I (8/05)
Activate preset 70 to access the camera menus. See below for information on how the translator
performs. This shows how the AD keyboard relates to the Pelco translator.
AD Keyboard Function Unit Action Pelco Function
Spectra III/ExSite
Special Function
Pan, tilt, zoom, focus, and
iris functions
Moves unit accordingly Pan, tilt, zoom, focus, and
iris functions
1–32 set shot Saves camera position as
preset 1–32
Sets preset 1–32
1–32 call shot Moves camera to preset
position 1–32
Moves camera to preset
position 1-32
1–3 auxiliaries on Activates auxiliaries 1–3 Sets auxiliaries 1–3
54 call shot Activates auxiliary 4 Sets auxiliary 4
55 call shot Activates auxiliary 5 Sets auxiliary 5
56 call shot Activates auxiliary 6 Sets auxiliary 6
57 call shot Activates auxiliary 7 Sets auxiliary 7
58 call shot Activates auxiliary 8 Sets auxiliary 8
1–3 auxiliaries off Clears auxiliaries 1–3 Clears auxiliaries 1–3
64 call shot Clears auxiliary 4 Clears auxiliary 4
65 call shot Clears auxiliary 5 Clears auxiliary 5
66 call shot Clears auxiliary 6 Clears auxiliary 6
67 call shot Clears auxiliary 7 Clears auxiliary 7
68 call shot Clears auxiliary 8 Clears auxiliary 8
Special Functions
33 call shot Runs defined pattern full-
Runs pattern Runs pattern 1
34 call shot Runs defined pattern 1st
Runs pattern 1st half-
Runs pattern 2
35 call shot Runs defined pattern 2nd
Runs pattern 2nd half-
Runs pattern 3
36 call shot Begins auto scan Begins auto scan
37 call shot Begins frame scan Begins frame scan
38 call shot Begins random scan Begins random scan
39 call shot Stops any scan in progress Stops scan
40 call shot Pans camera 180° from
current position
Flips 180°
41 call shot Sets zoom speed 0 Lens zoom speed 0
42 call shot Sets zoom speed 1 Lens zoom speed 1
43 call shot Sets zoom speed 2 Lens zoom speed 2
44 call shot Sets zoom speed 3 Lens zoom speed 3
45 call shot Sets focus speed 0 Lens focus speed 0
46 call shot Sets focus speed 1 Lens focus speed 1
47 call shot Sets focus speed 2 Lens focus speed 2