TC-24A features a 5"-wide color LCD touch panel. Touch panel displays the operation status
of the units. Function settings such as week schedule settings are accessed through the touch
panel. The backlight lights up when the panel is touched, and lights off after certain period of
time. The backlight will remain lit as long as an error exists.
Display/Touch panel
The Collective ON/OFF button enables the collective ON/OFF function that allows the user to
turn on/off the air conditioning units, LOSSNAY, and DIDO controllers in all groups collectively.
The LED corresponds to the operation status of controlled units.
Unlit : Indicates that all units are stopped.
Lit : Indicates that one or more units are in operation.
Blink : Indicates that an error is occurring.
Collective ON/OFF Button *1
The Hold button enables the hold function that allows the user to retain the current operation
status for all selected groups collectively.
While the hold function is enabled, the scheduled operation is suspended, and the local remote
controller operation is also prohibited.
Unlit : Normal operation
Lit : HOLD-on
HOLD Button *1, *2, *3
The Setback button enables the setback mode for all selected groups collectively. The setback
function automatically switches the system between cooling and heating to maintain the room
temperature within the set temperature range. The wider the set temperature range, the greater
the energy saving.
To keep the setback mode, enable the hold function.
Unlit : Normal operation mode
Lit : Setback mode
SET BACK Button *1, *2, *3
The power indicator lights up when the power to TC-24A is turned on.
Unlit : Power OFF
Lit : Power ON
Power indicator
Touch panel / Buttons
*1 When the button is pressed while the operation is prohibited, the LED will blink twice.
*2 The hold and setback functions can be enabled only through the HOME screen.
*3 The LED lights on and off only when the button ③ / ④ is pressed.