
󱄑Setting the temperature ranges within which the
operating temperatures can be set from the local remote controllers
1. Touch the 󱄑 Set Temperature Range Limit button on the [Restrictions Settings] screen.
2. Read the pop-up message, and touch the OK button to confirm.
3. Click on the Group button on the [Set Temperature Range Limit] screen to select the groups to
change their settings.
4. Touch the Edit button.
Show Group Name List
Displays a list of group
names in a pop-up window.
▲▼ buttons
Use to flip through the pages.
(Each page lists four groups.)
Group buttons
Displays group numbers.
Touch the button for a specific
group to edit the settings.
Edit button
Edits the temperature range
for the selected group.
Select All
Selects all groups.
Main Menu > Restrictions Settings > Set Temperature Range Limit
Usage - Main Menu Settings
󱈢 Restrictions Settings (cont'd)
Main Menu > Restrictions Settings