To select the groups on which to execute the
HOLD function
1. Touch the ② Hold Button Setting button on the [Button Setting]
2. Read the pop-up message, and touch the OK button to confirm.
Select the groups to include from the Group buttons labeled
⑨ .
By default, all groups are selected.
4. Touch the ⑩ Save button.
Show Group Name List
Shows a list of group names in a pop-up window.
1. Touch the ④ Group Icon Setting button on the [Button Setting] screen.
Select among Operation mode 1, Operation mode 2, and Operation mode 3 by touching the corresponding
button labeled ⑬ .
3. Touch the ⑭ Save button.
Operation mode 1
Stops or starts the operation of the specific group of
units when the Group icon is touched.
Operation mode 2 (default)
Allows the user to select multiple groups before jumping
to the Group screen. Touch the operate button after
selecting groups to jump to the Group screen.
Operation mode 3
Jumps to the Group screen when a Group icon is
To select the groups on which to execute the
Collective ON/OFF function
1. Touch the ③ Collective Operation Setting button on the
[Button Setting] screen.
2. Read the pop-up message, and touch the OK button to confirm.
Select the groups to include from the Group buttons labeled
⑪ .
By default, all groups are selected.
4. Touch the ⑫ Save button.
The DIDO controller groups that do not support the Collective ON/OFF function cannot be selected.
Show Group Name List
Shows a list of group names in a pop-up window.
Select All
Selects all groups.
Select All
Selects all groups.
To assign an operation mode to the Group icon on the [HOME] screen.