D1260/D1260B | Owner's Manual | Part III: Advanced Commands - BYPASS A POINT? (COMMAND + 0)
Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 50410D 33
User Passcodes
A three to six digit number entered at a keypad to access the system.
This command allows you to bypass points that you do
not want included in the system. Points that are not
included in the system do not detect intruders and
cannot send any reports. You can bypass points when
an area is disarmed. Bypassing a point reduces the
level of security and should be used with discretion.
Points remain bypassed until you unbypass them or
some points may return when the area is disarmed. See
Unbypassing a Point (COMMAND 00).
You could use COMMAND 0 to leave a window open
over night without initiating an alarm. Also see Turning
the System On With Doors or Windows Open.
Using Bypass a Point
1. The display shows disarmed idle text.
Press the COMMAND key. The display shows
*System Command*
2. Press the 0 key.
If you prefer, you may use the Command
Menu in place of steps 2 and 3 to initiate
this function.
Press the MENU> soft key to enter the
Command Menu.
Press NEXT> soft key repeatedly.
When you reach the BYPASS A POINT
?> prompt, press its adjacent soft key.
Press ENTER.
3. You will prompted for your passcode. It will
appear on the display as asterisks (*).
4. The display changes to show
Enter point number
or press next key