Category Feature Support Notes
Logical delete N/A
Exist Exist verb No
Misc Attribute names Partial MO_Instance is the standard used to
represent the metaobject containing the
instance ID in any wrapper business object.
Business object names Full
Retrieve Ignore missing child object N/A
RetrieveByContent Ignore missing child object N/A
Multiple results N/A There is only one output type per operation.
RetrieveByContent verb N/A
Update After-image support Full
Delta support No
KeepRelations N/A
Verbs Retrieve verb N/A This is decided by the operation for retrieval.
Subverb support N/A The verbs are operations that are valid for the
entire wrapper business object. The children
are essentially the input and output types for
the operation, and they have no existence
without the operation.
Verb stability Full
General features
The following table details the general features supported by the connector.
Category Feature Support Notes
Business object
Foreign key No
Foreign key attribute
N/A No validations are done by the connector.
Key No The connector does not validate the XML
Max Length N/A
Metadata-driven design Full
Required Full If set to true on the child attribute, the child
is expected to have a representation in the
parent business object.
Connection lost Connection lost on poll Partial The connector returns
APPRESPONSETIMEOUT only when it fails
to register all the operations. Otherwise, the
polling continues after a fatal message is
logged for e-mail triggering, giving
information on the failed poll call.
Connection lost on request
No A fatal error is logged to trigger e-mail
notification, and the connector returns a
Connection lost while idle No
74 Adapter for i2 User Guide