Component Description
CIS server Integration container which handles operation invocations. Integration
container and CIS server are used interchangeably in this document.
How the connector works
The i2 connector is a CIS (Common Integration Services) client. It connects to the
CIS client API in a non-managed environment, that is, it connects to the CIS
adapter directly without an application server. No authentication is necessary (no
user name or password is required). At present, the CIS client API does not
support any connection pooling mechanism. Hence, connections are created for
every transaction. For information on configuration properties, see “Configuring
the connector” on page 8.
The i2 connector is bi-directional. It can process events originating from i2
applications, as well as requests sent by the broker to the application.
For event subscriptions, the i2 connector uses the information in the i2 metaobjects.
It registers the operations on the types specified in these metaobjects with i2’s CIS
agent. CIS agent listens to the registered operations and detects event messages
only for registered operations. The i2 connector obtains these messages with the
poll call.
For request processing, the i2 connector processes the requests coming from the
integration broker by transforming incoming business objects into CIS records and
using the appropriate CIS Client API calls to execute the operation on the i2
application modules.
The i2 connector follows the metadata design principles outlined in the IBM
Connector Developer’s Guidelines. This means new IBM business objects can be
defined without additional coding or customization at the i2 connector code level.
For more information, see Chapter 3, “Understanding business objects for the
connector”, on page 11.
Processing subscriptions
The following sections describe how the connector processes application events.
Event detection and notification
Events for the purpose of this document are the CIS messages published from the
i2 application modules. The i2 application notifies the connector of all the events
occurring in the modules for which corresponding operations have been registered
with the CIS agent.
The onus of registering the operations of interest lies with the i2 connector.
Example: If the i2 connector is interested in the Bidding type operation addBid,
any new Bidding additions to the i2 application module will be queued in the CIS
server once the i2 connector registers for the addBid operation.
The i2 connector uses the information in the i2 metaobjects. It registers its intent to
listen to some of the operations with the poll call. Effectively, this tells the CIS
agent that the i2 connector wants to check for the output of the registered
Chapter 1. Overview of the connector 3