v CIS Back Bus--used by applications to create a bulk import/export interface for
data transfers.
v CIS Single Sign-On--a standard set of Java interfaces used by Web applications
to authenticate users against a central authentication. store.
The i2 connector interacts with the CIS Front Bus using the CIS Client API
provided by i2 along with its CIS adapters. CIS Client API is the implementation
of JCA Common Client Interface. CIS adapters operate based on CIS metadata
information using the various bindings.
The following diagram shows the i2 connector and components of the i2
Integration broker
I2 connector
Event notification
I2 Application
CIS adapter
CIS message
CIS agent
CIS server
The following table describes the terminology used for the components of the i2
connector and framework.
Component Description
CIS Common Integration Services provided by i2 to enable connectivity
between the external applications and i2 application modules
OM Order Management, just an example of an i2 application module
CIS agent CIS server application that runs on a central server. It maintains
connection information about client applications and manages and
monitors all the client applications that are part of the solution. The CIS
adapter and i2 application modules register with the CIS agent.
JCA CCI Java Connector Architecture’s Common Client Interface
CIS adapter i2’s CIS Client API and implementation of JCA-CCI
WBIA API API used by the i2 connector to communicate with the designated
integration broker.
A program that handles the execution of the business object processing
logic. Supported brokers are ICS and WMQI.
XML DH IBM’s data handler (DH) used to transform XML messages to the IBM
business objects and vice versa. You need to configure the XML DH for
use with the i2 connector.
2 Adapter for i2 User Guide