Metadata (Top tree node) (Expanding Metadata lists all the port types)
PortType1(Child tree nodes)
Input type
Output type
Input type
Output type
Input type
v Select the port, operation, and type for generating the business object. Each
operation has an input and output type on a port, and each of these types needs
to have a corresponding business object.
Result: i2 ODA will create the schema file for the chosen type. The schema files
form the input for the XML schema ODA to generate the corresponding business
objects. The XML schema file name follows the naming convention,
Example: For the persistOrder operation, both the input type and output type is
Order, but the formats for the two are different. i2 ODA validates these and
generates different schema files for the input and output types:
v i2BO_in_persistorder_Order.xsd (input)
v i2BO_out_persistorder_Order.xsd (output)
The schema files are stored in the directory specified by the SchemaFileLocation
property for the ODA. The i2 ODA checks the schema location for the existence of
the schema prior to creating the new one. If there already exists an xsd for the
type, the i2 ODA does not duplicate the schema.
Confirm selection, generate wrapper business object, and save
1. Confirm the operations you have selected for i2 ODA to generate wrapper
business objects.
Result: The i2 ODA creates a wrapper business object to represent the
operation with the chosen port type. Each operation has one wrapper business
object. The input and output types of the operation form the attributes of this
wrapper business object, with the operation as the verb. The port type becomes
the application-specific information for this business object.
The name of the wrapper business object is DefaultBOPrefix_operation. The
wrapper business object contains:
22 Adapter for i2 User Guide