Specifying business object attribute properties
The i2 connector has various properties that you can set on its business object
attributes. This section describes how the connector interprets several of these
properties and describes how to set them when modifying a business object.
The following table shows the properties for simple attributes.
Attribute Description
Name Unique name of the attribute
Type All simple attributes should be of type String.
MaxLength Not used
IsKey Each business object must have at least one key attribute, which you
specify by setting the key property to true for an attribute. The i2
connector does not check for this property.
IsForeighKey Not used.
Is Required Set to true if the attribute must have a value in the outgoing XML
AppSpecInfo Not used
DefaultValue Specifies a default value that the connector uses for a simple attribute in
the inbound business object if the attribute is not set and is a required
Rule: You must set and use the default value for the attributes of the
polling metaobjects and MO_Instance metaobject. If the default value is
set for the instance ID, and no value is set in the incoming business
object, the connector takes the default value and tries to connect with
this instance.
The following table shows the properties for child object attributes.
Attribute Description
Name Name of the child object.
Type Business object type for the child.
For all attributes that represent child business objects, this property
specifies the child’s business object version number.
Relationship If the child is a container attribute, this is set to Containment.
IsKey Not used
IsForeighKey Not used.
Is Required For relationship details between XML elements and requiredness, see
Chapter 3, ″XML data handler,″ in IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters Data Handler Guide.
14 Adapter for i2 User Guide