Attribute Description
AppSpecInfo For information on this property, see “Identifying business object
application-specific information” on page 15,
Cardinality For relationship details between XML elements and cardinality, see
Chapter 3, ″XML data handler,″ in IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters Data Handler Guide.
Special attribute values
Simple attributes in business objects can have the special value, CxIgnore. When it
receives a business object from the integration broker, the connector ignores all
attributes with a value of CxIgnore. It is as if those attributes were invisible to the
connector. No XML is generated for them.
Because the i2 connector requires at least one primary key attribute to create a
business object, you need to ensure that business objects passed in to the connector
should have at least one primary key that is not set to CxIgnore.
Additionally, The i2 connector assumes that no attribute of business object type has
a value of CxBlank. Simple (String) attributes with a value of CxBlank are included
in an XML document. Empty double quotation marks (″″) in an XML document are
used as the PCDATA equivalent of CxBlank.
Identifying business object application-specific information
Application-specific information provides the connector with application-
dependent instructions on how to process business objects. If you extend or modify
an application-specific business object, you must make sure that the
application-specific information in the business object definition matches the syntax
that the connector expects.
Application-specific information at the business object- level
The following table provides application-specific information at the business
object-level for the wrapper business object supported by the i2 connector.
Parameter Description
Port= The name of the i2 port type for the operation.
Application-specific information at the attribute level
The following table provides application-specific information at the attribute level
for the wrapper business object supported by the i2 connector.
Parameter Description
Type= The type represented by the attribute at the wrapper business object
attribute level. The type could be input or output representing the input
and output for the operation.
Chapter 3. Understanding business objects for the connector 15