v Run the Installer utility for IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapters from
the product CD and select the IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for
The utility allows you to browse and select the directory into which it will
install the connector subdirectories and files. You must install to the
%ProductDir% product directory that you used for your installation of the IBM
WebSphere InterChange Server system. Use the browse button in the Installer to
locate the directory and select it.
Result: The Installer utility copies the standard files into your system.
Tip: After you have installed your business integration system, you can install
additional connectors from the product CD-ROM at any time. To do this, insert the
product CD-ROM, run the installation program, and choose the connectors that
you want to install.
Installed file structure
The following table describes the file structure used by the connector and shows
the files that are automatically installed with Installer.
1. This document uses (\) backslashes as the convention for directory paths. For
UNIX installations, substitute slashes (/) for backslashes.
2. All product path names are relative to the directory where the product is
installed on your system.
3. For Windows, Installer adds an icon for the connector file to the IBM
WebSphere Business Integration Adapters menu. For a fast way to start the
connector, create a shortcut to this file on the desktop.
Subdirectory of %ProductDir% Description
connectors\i2 Contains the connector CWi2.jar file, Version 1.0.0, which
has the connector code and the start_i2.bat files (WIN) or
start_i2.sh files (UNIX).
connectors\messages Contains the i2Adapter.txt file for error messages.
repository\i2 Contains the CN_i2.txt file.
connectors\i2\Sample Contains sample files for creating business objects.
For more information on installing the connector component, see one of the
following guides, depending on the integration broker you are using:
v IBM WebSphere InterChange Server System Installation Guide for your platform
(when usingthe WebSphere InterChange Server as the integration broker)
v IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapters Implementation Guide for MQIntegrator
Broker (when using WebSphere MQIntegrator as the integration broker)
Configuring the connector
Connectors have two types of configuration properties: standard configuration
properties and connector-specific configuration properties. You must set the values
of these properties before running the connector. As you enter the configuration
values, they are saved in the repository.
To configure connector properties, use one of the following tools:
v Connector Designer--if ICS is the integration broker
8 Adapter for i2 User Guide