Error description Error type Handling by i2 connector
Not able to convert the XML
message to the business object.
Error The i2 connector logs the message to
the adapter log and sets the status on
the exception to FAIL. It also dumps
the XML message to the log file along
with the error message.
Execute method returns null
Error/Success In case the operation does not have an
output type, the execute method
execution is considered a SUCCESS. If
an output is expected, the execute
method issues an exception which is
caught by the connector.
Tracing messages
Tracing is an optional debugging feature you can turn on to closely follow a
connector’s behavior. Tracing messages are configurable and can be changed
dynamically. You set various levels depending on the desired detail. Trace
messages, by default, are written to STDOUT (screen). You can also configure
tracing to write to a file.
Recommendation: Tracing should be turned off on a production system or set to
the lowest possible level to improve performance and decrease file size.
The following table describes the types of tracing messages that the i2 connector
outputs at each trace level. All the trace messages appear in the file specified by
the connector property TraceFileName. These messages are in addition to any
tracing messages output by the IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapter
Tracing Level Tracing Messages
Level 0 Message that identifies the connector version. No other tracing is
done at this level. This message is always displayed.
’2002/07/10 15:01:46.812: This is version 1.0 of the i2 Adapter’.
Level 1 Messages delivered each time the pollForEvents method is executed.
Level 2
v Messages logged each time a business object is posted to the
integration broker from gotApplEvent.
v Messages that indicate each time a business object request is
Level 3 Not applicable
Level 4
v Application-specific information messages, for example, messages
showing the values returned by the functions that parse the
business object’s application-specific information fields
v Messages that identify when the connector enters or exits a
function, which helps trace the process flow of the connector.
30 Adapter for i2 User Guide