Tip: Access this tool from the System Manager.
v Connector Configurator--if WebSphere MQIntegrator is the integration broker
Tip: Access this tool from the IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapter
program folder.
For more information about Connector Configurator, see Appendix B,
“Connector Configurator”, on page 55.
A connector obtains its configuration values at startup. During a run-time session,
you may want to change the values of one or more connector properties. Changes
to some connector configuration properties, such as AgentTraceLevel, are dynamic,
taking effect immediately. Changes to other connector properties are static,
requiring component restart or system restart after a change. To determine whether
a property is dynamic or static, refer to the update method column in Connector
Standard connector properties
Standard configuration properties provide information that all connectors use. For
detailed information about these properties, see Appendix A, “Standard
configuration properties for connectors”, on page 33.
Note: Because the connector for i2 supports both the ICS and WebSphere
MQIntegrator integration brokers, configuration properties for both brokers
are relevant to the connector.
In addition, the following supplemental information on standard connector
properties applies to i2.
Tells whether to log errors on the InterChange Server (ICS).
The default value is false.
Path of the error message file if it is not located in the standard message location
%ProductDir%\connectors\messages. If the message file name is not in a fully
qualified path, the message file is assumed to be located in the directory specified
by the HOME environment variable or the startup parameter user.home.Ifa
connector message file does not exist, the WBIA API message file is used. If that
file does not exist, the InterchangeSystem.txt file is used as the message file.
The default value is i2Adapter.txt.
Connector-specific properties
Connector-specific configuration properties provide information needed by the
connector at run time. They also provide a way of changing static information or
logic within the connector without having to recode and rebuild it.
The following table lists the connector-specific configuration properties for the
connector along with their descriptions and possible values.
Property Description Possible values
ApplicationName Unique name specified for each
Chapter 2. Installing and configuring the connector 9