Chapter 3. Understanding business objects for the connector
This chapter describes the structure of i2 business objects, how the connector
processes the business objects, and the assumptions the connector makes about
them. Use this information as a guide to modifying existing business objects for i2
or as suggestions for implementing new business objects.
The chapter contains the following sections:
v “Defining connector metadata” on page 11
v “Overview of business object structure” on page 11
v “i2 business object structure” on page 12
v “Specifying business object attribute properties” on page 14
v “Identifying business object application-specific information” on page 15
For information on the Object Discovery Agent (ODA) utility that automates the
creation of business objects for the IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapter
for i2, see Chapter 4, “Generating business objects using i2 ODA”, on page 17.
Defining connector metadata
The i2 connector is metadata-driven. In the WebSphere business integration system,
metadata is application-specific information that is stored in a business object and
that helps the connector interact with the application. A metadata-driven connector
handles each business object that it supports based on the metadata encoded in the
business object definition rather than on instructions hardcoded in the connector.
Business object metadata includes the structure of the business object, the settings
of its attribute properties, and the content of its application-specific information.
Because the connector is metadata-driven, it can handle new or modified business
objects without requiring modifications to the connector code.
The connector makes assumptions about the structure of its supported business
objects, the relationships between parent and child business objects, and the format
of the application-specific information.
Therefore, when you create or modify a business object, your modifications must
conform to the rules the connector is designed to follow, or the connector will not
be able to process new or modified business objects correctly.
Overview of business object structure
In the WebSphere business integration system, a business object definition consists
of a type name, supported verbs, and attributes. An application business object is
an instance of a business object definition. It reflects a specific application’s data
structure and attribute properties.
Some attributes, instead of containing data point to child business objects or arrays
of child business objects that contain the data for these objects. Keys relate the data
between the parent record and child records.
WebSphere Business Integration Adapter business objects can be flat or
hierarchical. A flat business object only contains simple attributes, that is, attributes
that represent a single value (such as a String) and do not point to child business
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