Running Configurator independently of System Manager
When you run Connector Configurator without connecting to System Manager,
you can save a connector configuration file (an XML document with the extension
*.cfg) to a directory that you specify, but you cannot save or open a System
Manager project.
When you are creating a connector for use with a broker other than ICS, you do
not need to connect to System Manager at any point in order to use the file. If you
are creating a connector configuration for use with ICS as the broker, you may still
find it useful on occasion to run Connector Configurator independently, and then
connect to System Manager when you are ready to save the configuration file as a
component of a System Manager project.
Choosing your broker
Connector Configurator can be used to configure connectors either for use with
ICS as the broker, or with WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker (also referred to as
WMQI) as the broker.
Before you begin to configure the connector, you must choose the mode of
Connector Configurator that is appropriate for your broker. The mode that you
choose determines the properties that Connector Configurator will include in the
configuration file. Choosing a broker is a mandatory step when you begin the
process of creating a completely new configuration file. After a configuration file
has been created, you can optionally change the designated broker mode, using a
standard configuration property. (This makes it possible to use an existing
configuration file as a starting point for creating a configuration file that will be
used with a different broker. However, be aware that revising a configuration file
for use with a different broker typically involves changing other configuration
properties as well, and not just the broker mode property.)
To choose a broker when you create a new configuration file (mandatory):
v In the Connector Configurator home menu, choose File>New>Connector
Configuration. The New Connector Dialog displays.
v In the Integration Broker field, choose either WMQI connectivity (for WebSphere
Integrator Broker) or ICS connectivity, according to the broker you are using.
v Complete the remaining fields of the New Connector dialog, as described later
in this chapter for your specific broker.
To change your broker selection within an existing configuration file (optional):
v Open the existing configuration file in Connector Configurator.
v Select the Standard Properties tab.
v In the Broker Type field of the Standard Properties tab, choose the value that is
appropriate for your broker. If you change the existing value, the available tabs
and field selections of the properties screen will immediately refresh, to show
only those tabs and fields that appropriate for a configuration using the broker
you have selected.
After you have chosen your broker type, you can complete the remaining
Connector Configurator tasks for configuring your connector. When you save the
connector configuration file, Connector Configurator will save it in the broker
mode that you have already selected. The title bar of Connector Configurator
always displays the broker mode (such as ICS or WMQI) that Connector
Configurator is currently using.
Appendix B. Connector Configurator 57