h. In the Save to Master Configuration area , click Save again to exit the
Master Configuration window.
Optionally, clean up the agent manager objects in the database.
Remove the agent manager tables from the database or drop the
registry database only if all products that use the registry are
a. Remove the agent manager tables from the registry database by running the
following command:
v On Windows systems:
v On AIX, Linux, and Solaris systems:
Replace variable database_type with one of the following values to
identify the database type:
– db2
– oracle
If the database is used only by the agent manager and is not shared with
another program, optionally drop the registry database using the database
administration tools for your type of database.
6. Delete the agent manager installation directory. By default, this is the following
v On Windows systems: C:\Program Files\IBM\AgentManager
v On AIX, Linux, and Solaris systems: /opt/IBM/AgentManager
On a Windows system, you might have to restart the system before you
can delete the agent manager installation directory.
Common problems
You might encounter the following problems:
v “Registration and communication failures”
v “Problems using the WebSphere Administrative Console” on page 88
Registration and communication failures
The WebSphere log SystemOut.log contains a record of agents that contact the
agent recovery service. Common reasons for an agent to be unable to register or
communicate with the agent manager include the following problems:
v The agent manager properties file, which the agent manager sends to the agent
when it first connects, might contain a short host name in the URL for the Web
services instead of a fully qualified host name. For example, the person who
installs the agent manager might specify the host name as myserver instead of
myserver.ibm.com. If an agent is in a network that cannot resolve the short host
name to the fully qualified host name, it cannot access the agent manager
services. Because the person who installs the agent can specify the fully qualified
host name for the initial connection to the agent manager server, the problem
can be discovered after the initial connection.
v The wrong truststore file was used when installing the agent or resource
v The wrong agent registration password was used when installing the agent.
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting the agent manager 87